Four types of Eczema and Seborrheic Dermatitis

My boyfriend got diagnosed with Eczema on is face and chest last week. I feel like I caught it too because the skin around my nose is itching and red. I never had that before, so I’m actually wondering whether or not Eczema is contagious. I’ve heard it’s not contagious, but I can’t find any other explanation that proves me wrong. Could you tell me more about it?


Eczema is not a skin condition able to spread from one person to another by direct or indirect contact. So, it’s not contagious. Assuming that your boyfriend was diagnosed by a professional healthcare provider, you can’t catch Eczema from him. 

However, you might need to consider your skin condition from another angle, as there are several factors increasing risk of Eczema. For example, stress, fatigue, anxiety and low immune system defense are known circumstances that can cause Eczema.

In addition, if you feel itchy and have red patches around your nose all of the sudden, it doesn’t necessary mean that you even have Eczema. You might just experience other skin issues associated with Eczema such as yeast or ringworm infection.


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 Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The material appearing on this page is for informational use only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.